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TAT International Cup

TAT International Cup is an annual football tournament, all about diversity and participation! Upscale playing, good music and relaxed atmosphere gather a large group of people together every summer. The teams are formed by communities of people with immigrant, expat or otherwise international background. The rules and principles of the tournament are created together with the communities. International Cup wants to enhance good relations and cross borders within different populations and develop sense of community with the common language of football!

In 2023 the tournament attracted over 6000 spectators in total. Every year the tournament offers a variety of work and training possibilities for the participants. Last year we trained security stewards and referees. The tournament offers activities for families and children as well on most days.

TAT International Cup 2024

The tournament will be held from 26.6.-20.7. (break 8.-13.7.) in Helsinki, Pirkkola Sports Park (Pirkkolan metsätie 6). Total of 16 community teams are participating in the tournament. It is organized together with the communities, volunteers and other organizations.

As a volunteer you can be involved in first aid, kids and family activities, social media or game commission. 

Check out details and schedule from the tournament's Facebook page: 

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