Helsingin Siniset is a boy scout troop established as early as 1917. The troop was founded by the then Secretary-General of the YMCA, who brought scouting to Finland, Reverend Verneri Louhivuori. Our troop has a very long and colourful history that is still being written to this day. We are the troop of Helsinki YMCA and our activities are not only aimed at young people, but also designed and implemented by them. In addition to wilderness skills, we also diligently explore the more urban skills and corners of our hometown.
The Rastipartio of YMCA is a scout troop from East Helsinki, based in Rastila, Vuosaari. Through the actions of the Rastipartio, you can experience the best bits of scouting. Together we work both in the city, as well as in the forest. In Rastipartio (Rapa among friends) you’ll definitely get to laugh, scream, sweat and enjoy adventures. The Rastipartio has over 100 members and includes girls and boys alike.
Who are we?
Laajasalon Siniset is a thriving troop from Laajasalo, currently comprising around one hundred members. Enthusiastic future scouts of all ages can join.
Spring Scouting Activities
The weekly scouting operations are running as normal. Meeting times for groups can be found here (in Finnish only).
Want to join us?
We are constantly bringing in new members to the troop. If you are interested in joining Laajasalon Siniset, read more here (in Finnish only).