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Support the action

Let’s create meaning for life together! Help us enable hobby and leisure activities for children and young people in the metropolitan area! 

You can decide what is the best way for yourself or your business to support our activities. You can make a donation through the Hanno Möttölä Fund of Helsinki YMCA, which supports children and young people on social and economic grounds and distributes subsidies based on potential and talent. If you wish, you can also allocate your support directly to your chosen activities. Businesses and communities can be involved in our operations through a variety of partnerships that are tailored individually. 

In addition, the activities of Helsinki YMCA can be supported by becoming a member, purchasing our support products or participating in our fundraising events such as the annual Helsinki YMCA Golf Challenge or the Hanno Möttölä Gala held every two years. 

Additional information from Secretary General Timo Laulaja