Helsinki YMCA is an innovative operator that has brought basketball and scouting activities to Finland, among various other things. The development activities of Helsinki YMCA aim to create new models of operation that contribute to the overall well-being of children, young people and families. The starting point of the development work is the strategy of Helsinki YMCA and the utilisation of existing skills and operations. New activities will be developed with a bold and professional grasp. The focus of development is on the needs of the target group and involvement in development, as well as cooperation with various stakeholders. Feel free to contact us if you are looking for a partner for ongoing or future projects or want to exchange ideas regarding development activities!
On this page you can learn about the ongoing and completed projects of Helsinki YMCA.

ACT — Activities, Competencies and Training on Social Inclusion 1.9.2020-21.8.2022
Show more content...The Erasmus+ partnership project of YMCA Finland, YMCA Thessaloniki and YMCA Lebanon to develop the competence of instructors to interact with people with refugee and immigrant backgrounds and to support their inclusion. Helsinki YMCA is responsible for the practical implementation in Finland.
ACT enhances the instructors’ and organisations’ understanding of clients’ situations and the need for psychosocial support, as well as methods to support them in a variety of environments. The project carries out short training sessions and produces a working model for the sharing of information between professionals. ACT works closely with the European YMCA network and strengthens cooperation between organisations working with refugees.
More information: Project Manager Pierre Jallow,, 0400 89 7909

Show more content...The Kiintopiste project provides comprehensive support, activities and peering for young people in a multidimensionally challenging life situation. Kiintopiste is a development project funded by STEA, the first phase of which, 2018–2021, was part of the Arvokas programme. In 2022–2024, the development of a model of action will continue under the new ‘fixed points with peers’ project, which aims to provide support and peering to the inner circle of young people in difficult situations.
LIIKE project
Show more content...More and more young people are excluded from exercise activities for a variety of reasons. They may be lonely, out of school and working life, or otherwise at risk of social exclusion. Lack of friends, difficulties in starting out, the challenges of managing everyday life and lack of money and social skills can be the underlying cause for this immobility.
The Liike project, which launched in early 2021, will increase the physical activity of 16- to 29-year-olds who need comprehensive support. In the Liike project, young people receive individual support to increase physical activity in their own everyday life and in a manner characteristic to themselves, and from other young people who have sought activities in the unpressurised hobby community. The project creates a means of reaching the target audience, increasing activity, building physical identity and organising exercise activities that are perceived as safe. Physical activity workers support the youth.
Liike is a project managed and coordinated by the Finnish YMCA Association and is carried out through four local subprojects in Helsinki, Turku, Tampere and Oulu. The Liike project is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Follow our IG account (@liikkeellahyvaaoloa). For more information on the Liike project of Helsinki YMCA: Joni Liikala,, +358 (0)50 560 9334
Transition Phase Youth Work (Ninu) Project
Show more content...The target group of the project will be young people in the transitional phase between grade 9 and upper secondary education who are at risk of dropping out without stronger support. The work forms include the go-to worker model and methods based on functionality and peer support. Thanks to the effect of the operations, more young people complete basic education, school dropouts between basic education and upper secondary education decrease and dropping out of upper secondary education is reduced. More information: Niklas Hjort,, +358 (0) 50 464 4963.
Show more content...Y-Line is an EU-funded project for around 15- to 26-year-olds, in which adult volunteer youth organise approximately hour-long online meetings on a weekly basis. Y-Line provides the opportunity to join an open online community for young people to get to know people, chat, have fun and learn new things.