Games all year around Helsinki!
Balls and anything else you need can be found on the spot, it’s simply enough to bring yourself (and your friends) there. Enjoy exciting competition and fierce tournaments or just relax by shooting hoops. Bright and warm summer nights with friends and the music of our DJ in the background – the best way to spend the evening! Come and check out what’s happening!
During the summer, we have many events around the metropolitan area every day: in Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa. The current schedule can be found on the Yökoris Instagram page and our own Yökoris app!
During winter the Yökoris activities are organised in youth centres and at Liikuntamylly. A schedule of these events can also always be found on Instagram and the Yökoris app.
In addition to basketball, we also host events for other sports, including football and volleyball.
Yökoris activity is a project of Helsinki YMCA, funded by STEA.

Do you want to know where Yökoris events are held at the moment or start a new hobby? Do you want to be part of the most multicultural team in Helsinki? Download the Yökoris App and get all the necessary information on your phone. Free download from Google Play & App Store.
- Yökoris Knights boys U19
- Yökoris Knights girls
Yökoris Knights youth teams are aimed at girls and boys between the ages of 14 and 18 who are interested in playing basketball on a team.
Yökoris Knights offer hassle-free and free-of-charge basketball coaching with the guidance of a professional coach in a relatable team. The goal is to move, develop and have fun together! We at Yökoris want to offer all young people an equal opportunity to participate in team activities and make new friends with sport.
Yökoris Knights also serves as a great stepping stone to bigger club teams and even national series. In addition, we encourage the participation of young people as part of the activities, teach responsibility and organise activities outside of games and workouts. In addition to basketball skills, we place an emphasis on learning life skills.
Yökoris Knights operate under Yökoris and Helsinki YMCA.
Feel free to contact our coach in charge! You can join at any point!
- On Tuesdays at Laakavuori School at 6.15 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (at the H-doors)
- On Mondays at Puistopolku Comprehensive School at 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
- On Tuesdays at Puistopolku Comprehensive School at 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Show more content...Yökoris was invited to street based youth work seminar in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Three workers from the organization Olsi, Daniel and Eleanor participated in four days long seminar from 8th to 12th of February. Street workers from all over the Europe gathered under one roof to put their heads together and make new ideas, solutions and projects. Part of the seminar consisted of presentations about organizations and street based youth work in each country.
Participants came from Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Macedonia and Scotland. Seminar based on network. Everyday actions included getting to know each other. Through the seminar participants made connections and shared their knowledge. Internationality helped to perceive various ways to work and identify concerns, which affect our organizations and the work.
Part of the seminar focused on the theory of the street based youth work, the other part was practical. We had an opportunity to have a look on the work of Ljubljana’s own organization called Mreža Mlada Ulica. On Friday we visited together their workplace culture scene Metelkova and saw them in action. Two last days we spent in their local youth center called Zavod Bob. We got acquainted with public spaces, got an introduction of their job and the impact it has had on the local community.
On final days, seminar focused on collaborating and presenting a group project. Goal wasn’t only to develop new projects, but to make real action plans. This motivated participants to keep connections further on and to make international projects. During the four days, we succeeded to achieve our goals set for the seminar and make long term connections between European youth work organizations.
Eleanor Päärent